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How to get the disclaimer page as the first on your escort site

This is a really small thing to do but with a huge impact on your escort site, due to the consequences it brings. Unless you make sure the disclaimer page is the first thing that appears on your site, you can't advertise it properly. Most escort directories and review sites have specific conditions regarding the presence of their banners on your site. Unless you follow the rules, you lose a considerable amount of valuable traffic.

So let's fix this small problem in no time! Here's how:
- log into your account and make sure you are using the Medium or the eXpert interface (find out all you need to know about interfaces on
- go to the Manage area in the main menu, and click on the Pages tab to have access to the pages list of your website
- spot the "Agecheck" page and press the arrow that you can find next to the name of the page
- click on that order arrow until your Agecheck page is the head of your pages list
- don't forget to save and you're done.

Keep in touch,


Alexey   July 10, 2012   12:45   Security Rating: 6 out of 8  

Posted on: 09 July 2012 09:56 by Kandice Moore
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Posted on: 06 August 2012 08:41 by Ayesha Taylor
Would that work for Independent escorts handling their own marketing strategies?
Posted on: 10 October 2012 21:06 by Kirstin
Hi how do I move pages so that they are in the order i'd like them to appear? There's no arrows on my page list next to the titles...
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