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How to deal with newsletter stats

Newsletters are great tools for building communities around your escort business, but if you don't know how to use them properly, you can't fully benefit from their effect on your audience. That's why it's important to understand the terms that are used in stats and newsletter metrics. We've chosen the most important ones that are tracked and we'll discuss about each term in the following two posts.

This one speaks for itself actually. The "Delivered" statistic counts the number of newsletters that landed in your members' inbox or, in the most unfortunate cases, spam box - sadly, that happens sometimes.

Clicks & Unique Clicks
This statistic will be available to you if you tick the "Track clicks on this newsletter" box when you compose a newsletter. It refers to the total number of times the readers of your newsletter have clicked on the links within your letter. Given that a certain reader may click on your links several times, the "Unique Clicks" statistic counts the unique individuals who performed those clicks.

Opens & Unique Opens
The same goes with "Opens" and "Unique Opens", only that "Clicks" are for links, whereas "Opens" refer to images. In other words, if you insert an image in your newsletter, the number of times someone opens that image will be counted by the "Opens" statistic and if that person opens the image several times, the "Unique Opens" statistic will count that action only once, because it has been performed by the same individual.

Stay tuned for more analytics terms revealed.

Keep in touch,

Alexey   July 18, 2012   15:50   Analytics Rating: 0 out of 0  

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