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Where do the readers' eyes go first on your escort site?



We've already talked about the importance of a first impression in web design, but now we have the numbers to prove it, thanks to a recent study on eye-tracking that answers the eternal question: where do the eyes go first?

According to the study, first place viewers focus their eyes on is the logo and that happens for 6.48 seconds. You'd say it's an awfully short period of time if you didn't know that the average time spent to form a first impression is less than two-tenths of a second.

After the logo comes the main navigation - that's the main menu of your escort site, which contains all the pages that can be accessed by your readers. They spend 6.44 seconds focused on this area and then another 6 seconds on the search box. And that's still more than what they spend on the written content (5.59 seconds), the social links (5.95 seconds) or the site's main image (5.94 seconds). Finally, the bottom of the website - generally containing the same menu as the main navigation - captures your readers' attention for 5.25 seconds.

Now that you know which areas of your escort site you should focus on to stand out in front of your readers, it's time to know what triggers the most favorable first impressions: colors and images. Viewers will always react better to positive colors and images rather than inappropriate ones. And if you don't know which color scheme is right for your audience, here's a short reminder of what kind of emotion each color evokes.

Keep in touch,

Alexey   August 07, 2012   16:53   SEO&SEM Rating: 5 out of 6  

Posted on: 16 October 2012 00:25 by Lauren Vuitton
Wtf im so!
Posted on: 06 June 2013 08:43 by Candy Palmer
Nice. Simple tips for Escort Girls who want to make their own website or Blog. Make sure to your website or blog is costumer friendly. I mean it should be easy to navigate.
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