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Why and how to disable the right click on your escort site

A lot of you ladies have been writing to us complaining that you've seen parts of your quality content on other similar websites. To help prevent that from ever happening again, it's time to reveal one of our best kept secrets: the "disable right click" option. 

To start using this option, login to your account, then go to the Manage area. Click on the Settings tab, then scroll down until you find the "Disable right click on my website" option. Check it and then don't forget to click on the Save button. From now on, whenever someone clicks on the right button of their mouse with the intention to save one of your photos or to copy some of your text, they won't be able to use the right click function. 

This is the easiest way to keep your content secure, start using it right now! 

Keep in touch, 


Kendra   October 13, 2011   13:36   Website Rating: 0 out of 0  

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