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Key elements for a successful website

Whether you've decided to create a new website for yourself or simply update the one you already have, the following elements are highly important for ensuring the success of your escort site: design, content and navigation. Let's see what each of them is about. 

The design of your website consists of all the visual elements that can be seen there and it is the first aspect of your escort site that captures your audience's attention. That's why we pay so much attention to it. When making a design order, you know that our designers will be dedicated to creating the most eye-catching themes for you, from colors to fonts. You can find some examples here, in a previous post. 

The template you choose for your escort site should reflect the style you want to be associated with on the web. Good themes are understandable and stick to the viewers' mind, not just eyes. Fonts and colors are also of paramount importance. When choosing a specific style of lettering, keep in mind that it must be easy to read, otherwise your visitors will end up with sore eyes and no interest in your message whatsoever. The size of your font is essential - make sure the letters are neither small, nor huge, I'd say a size 14 (and 16 for titles) would do the trick for longer portions of text.

Colors play an important role in the design of your escort site too, because they evoke emotional response. No wonder that 93% of a consumer's decision making process comes from visual appearance and 85% comes from color! Another aspect that our designers pay attention to when making a template for your escort site is the color scheme, so rest assured, you don't need to focus on which color should the menu of your website be or which color goes with the text - that's already taken care of.


All the text, images and videos on your escort site make up the content of the website. What you should always keep in mind when uploading new photos and videos is that content should be informational and entertaining - that's what makes it relevant for the visitors. And don't forget to update frequently! Relevant content and frequent updates are the best reasons for visitors to keep coming back to your escort site.


Last but not least, you need to focus on navigation. Your website navigation needs to be intuitive and easy to find - we've already covered that, with the tips on navigation previously posted. To recap, great content is worthless if your visitors can't reach it! Make sure you provide easy access to all your escort site's important pages.

That being said, we wish you all a Happy New Year and lots of love, ladies!

Keep in touch,

Alexey   December 30, 2011   13:22   Tips&Tricks Rating: 10 out of 10  
1 Comment

Posted on: 06 January 2012 15:51 by Monique
A successful site is well structured and with original, informative content, either text or image, or even video. The colors shouldn't be too harsh. Except when you really want something to stand out. Thanks for the information Alexey.
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