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How to change the page order on your escort site and why

Usability experts argue that the Home page is the most important page on your website, because it's the first thing people see when visiting your website. Still, to ensure a lawfully presence online, we advise you to put your Age Check page first, just so that anyone visiting your escort website has the chance to agree to its content first. 

Also, keep in mind that more and more customers are going straight to specific pages on your website, rather than the homepage. And, in your case, those specific pages include the Gallery, the Services, the Rates, the Calendar, and the Contact page. 

Having this in mind, it's time to check and see if you have all these pages on your escort site and to change their order, if necessary. To do that, you need to log into your account first, then go to the Manage area in the main menu. Click on the Pages area to view the whole list of pages that can be accessed on your escort site, in the main menu.


You will notice that next to the page name, there are a few buttons that allow you to edit, delete or reset each page. The last one refers to the order of the pages and is represented by two small arrows pointing up and down - except for the first and last page, which have only one arrow, pointing in only one of these two directions. Feel free to switch the order of the pages until you find the one you feel most comfortable with, but don't forget to put yourself in your readers' shoes: if you visited your escort site for the first time, what piece of information would you be interested in first? 

Keep in touch,

Alexey   May 01, 2012   10:48   Analytics Rating: 7 out of 7  
1 Comment

Posted on: 08 January 2013 08:50 by stock holm escorts
Its great to hear that you guys are rocking as you are providing all the info generally needed for escort site
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