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Typography basics for your escort site


Just like pictures and color schemes, typography is a key element of your website's visual identity. Great typography speaks for itself and you don't have to be a professional designer to know it. Not only does text look better, if the right typography is used, but it is also easier to read, therefore you can be sure that your message is delivered to the audience reading it. Here are a few tips you should take into account before posting text on any of the pages of your escort site: 

Avoid using too many different fonts!
Just try to imagine yourself in a conversation with someone who frequently changed the pitch of their voice. That would be rather disturbing for your ears, wouldn't it? The same kind of uncomfortable sensation appears in the eyes of your readers too unless you make it a habbit to use no more than 2 (maximum 3!) in your written content. Diversity is always welcome, but with moderation. Sure, sticking to just one font forever can become extremely boring after a while, but using five or more different fonts on the same page or in the same paragraph is much more annoying. 

Alignment and line spacing
Both refer to readibility, but from different angles. Alignment refers to optimising the text to fill the width of the page entirely, if you opt for a justified alignment, or in the centre, left or right side of the page. Justified alignment is generally used in print, because it creates perfect rectangles of text, but on the web, that kind of alignment might damage the readibility of your paragraph, so it's better to opt for one of the two: right or left alignment.
Spacing refers to the space that is left between the lines of your text. If they are too close, your readers' will end up with sore eyes, if they are too further apart, your text will be rather hard to follow, so make sure you set the line spacing properly, so that your paragraphs can be read comfortably. 

Hierarchy and scaling 
Hierarchy refers to emphasizing the elements of your text that need to stand out and be easily remembered by your readers, such as your title and your headings. Scaling makes sure that your text is still perfectly clear whether viewed at 100%, or zoomed in or out, on a PC screen, or on a mobile device. 

Keep in touch, 

Alexey   May 17, 2012   10:33   Website Rating: 0 out of 0  

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